Professional Business Women’s Retreat

November 12th, 2012|

2013 is just around the corner, are you interested in taking a time out in business and life to work ON business & life? If so, join me and other professional women at Starmount Forest Country Club for a Day with COACH MKay. Seating limited to 16 participants. Agenda: Celebrate Your Professional Strengths & Achievements Business: Identify

Program Highlight -North State Sales Team

November 12th, 2012|

The North State Sales Team met in November for their first ever Sales Mixer and they had a special guest introduce the new President’s Club Award that will be given to 4 top performers next year. Can you guess who this guy is in this cool outfit? During the COACH MKay segment: SHIFT HAPPENS, gotta

Giving Appreciation

November 12th, 2012|

Mary Kay Ashe, founder of the giant cosmetics company encouraged all her employees to pretend that people they met would have a sign around their neck saying, “I am the most important person in the world.” Giving appreciation to our team is one way we can make them feel valued and important. After all, how

October – Book of The Month

October 17th, 2012|

360° Leader   by John Maxwell Being comfortable in the middle isn’t always easy when you are a natural leader. This book examines leadership styles beside, above and below you and gives you a higher level of understanding how to work efficiently and effectively with people at all levels.

NAFA Carolinas Chapter & SGFMA State Conference

October 17th, 2012|

During the program we addressed Coaching Strategies.  In addition to the Oreo Model shared above, we reviewed a Carnegie Coaching Model.  This strategy that I created blends five of Mr. Carnegie’s human relation principles to help coach someone towards a change.  If you are familiar with 360° feedback, then consider this as 360° coaching.  This

OREO Coaching

October 17th, 2012|

Have you ever needed to talk to a team member and give them some corrective coaching?  It's like when the sliding screen door has gotten off track and we are forcing it back and forth and it's just not working too well. Instead of getting frustrated with the door, what if we stepped back, examined

Dr. Langdon, Dr.’s Mango & Mango & Team Meeting

September 27th, 2012|

Focus Areas: Individuals shared one positive icontribution to the team since our last meeting. Highlighted evidence of implementing the Core Values of the practice which were created by the team at the last retreat and how this was helping the team to become stronger and the impact on patient care. Discussed strategies to build additional

The Power of Teamwork

September 27th, 2012|

Inspired by the Blue Angels We kicked off our operating room team event with this video, check it out!

Creating a Positive Attitude & Environment

September 27th, 2012|

This past summer a group of consultants went to Vegas and toured the Zappos ‘C’ Suite. I was stoked when they sent this picture to our community network. Now THAT is a positive environment! How’s your work environment? Today I conducted a team retreat for the operating room department and one of the key focus

Customer Service Program: Leader’s Appreciation Event

August 27th, 2012|

Customer Service Program:  Leader’s Appreciation Event Program Highlights How are you creating a powerful customer experience? What level of dedication and determination do you show and your team members show on a regular basis? How can you as their leader make each day count for your team and your customers? People who connect to their


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