Human Relation Principle #1

August 16th, 2011|

"Don't criticize, condemn or complain."  Throw yourself a challenge for September to follow Mr. Dale Carnegie's first principle from How to Win Friends & Influence People.   It's amazing to see how your atmosphere improves and how others respond to your new outlook. FREE Preview to the Dale Carnegie Course: Effective Human Relations & Communication

The Power of the Second

August 16th, 2011|

Remember---in a single second, a simple decision or a single act can MAKE YOUR LIFE or DESTROY IT.

Getting Engaged

June 14th, 2011|

Here are some principles that can help you as a leader get your team engaged at work.


May 17th, 2011|

[singlepic id=42 w=320 h=240 float=left]Merikay invites you to a Book Launch STEPPING STONES TO SUCCESS. She joins Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra & other experts on strategies for mastering business, life and relationships. Thursday, May 26th 5-8pm Proximity Hotel Greensboro, NC              

The Impact of Pain

May 14th, 2011|

For the past three weeks I have been seeing a chiropractor....I even agreed to have multiple needles placed in my back from an acupuncturist. OK. That was extreme in my book, because after two epidurals gone bad, I KNEW I was desperate for some pain relief.  As I joked w/ my provider about the fact

The Page of Your Life

April 1st, 2011|

Do you ever read something and realize that you knew it all along? We have the power to live to our full potential by the choices we make everyday. This month's tip is from Elie Wiesel - Holocaust survivor who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986: "If you want your life to be a

Multi-tasking for the New Paradigm Millennium

March 1st, 2011|

  In the hectic schedule of juggling three children, a non-profit organization, a net-work marketing company and my keynote/training business, I realized the importance of achieving "Organized Chaos" Sylvia McClintock shares these nuggets from her book to help us achieve sanity amidst the chaos...   1- Understand your work style - what works and what


February 1st, 2011|

Do you want to know the secrets to a long life? While sitting in a room in the Court House waiting to be called for jury duty I found these nuggets of wisdom in an AARP magazine based on the Costa Rican elders who lived to be 100 years old.

New Year, New Start!

January 1st, 2011|

The New Year gives you and your team an opportunity to focus on strengths, evaluate what isn't working and gives you the opportunity to make positive changes for 2010!  Arthur Guiterman said, "Admitting errors clears the score and proves you wiser than before." Be willing to face failures & challenges and use them as fuel


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