
October 31st, 2023|

This morning I found a box of cards by Louise May that is a deck of 64 affirmations that a girlfriend gave me a few years ago. The message read: I am always safe I am eternal I will go on forever from experience to experience Oftentimes when I'm teaching a new class or giving


September 7th, 2023|

What does trust look like in your organization? Last month, I taught a new program at Cape Fear Community College on Creating a Culture of Trust. Big thanks to Jan Yokeley, Director of Customized Training at CFCC for this opportunity. It was very interesting to hear the perspectives of participants on what trust looks like

Peaceful Conflict Resolution

June 29th, 2023|

This past Sunday, I visited my home church in Greensboro, NC and was thrilled the title of the sermon series for this day was, “Modern Families - Figuring Out Conflict." I teach conflict resolution as part of my leadership series and was inspired by the message and prayer of confession. Some of you know that

Unlocking Leadership

January 31st, 2023|

Next week I’m hosting a mastermind group of a dozen leaders to discuss their new year goals and explore concepts from the book: The 12 Week Year, Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others do in 12 Months by Brian Moran and MIchael Lennington. Has your 2023 started off the way you want personally

I am…

November 20th, 2022|

This is the season of gratitude, joy, thankfulness and to count blessings even if there is struggle. What do you do when the voices of the world tell you, “I’m NOT?” Tell yourself, I AM...Why have I spent over 25 years helping people be a catalyst for positive, purposeful change? Because I have done it

Change is Constant

October 27th, 2022|

It’s October, fall is upon us! Hoping this day finds you in great spirits and much peace. Today, I felt burdened that I have not written my monthly blog in months. This is an important aspect of my business life and I enjoy writing. The last six months have been a rollercoaster and I’m trying

The Impact of Focus, Goals & Mindset

January 22nd, 2022|

“What events or experiences in your life have hinted or suggested that maybe you were created for a specific purpose” -Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life How many of you set a new year’s resolution for your career or home life? So, how’s it goin’ so far? Last week, I presented a program for the


January 17th, 2022|

Have you ever taken on more than your fair share of workload because you struggle setting boundaries?  Have you ever said “yes” to things you wish you would have said “no” to because in the end it created more stress in your life?  We’ve all experienced times when we overload our schedule and the holiday

Build Relationships to Build Your Network

November 19th, 2021|

Last week, a new LinkedIn connection messaged me about my post and shared she had similar experiences. She also mentioned that she moved to Wilmington recently and it was difficult to meet other professional women in the area. I mentioned I was in town once or twice a month and would be happy to meet

On the Move

April 30th, 2021|

Last Wednesday night, I visited my sister in Apex, NC who has spent weeks packing, donating, sorting, crying, celebrating, and praying because she is moving from her home after 20 plus years. Her husband died six months ago and she has taken a sabbatical from her hospice nursing career to move, grieve, refresh and restart


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