March Playbook: Change is Constant

March 25th, 2021|

Have you had a season over the last year during Covid Care that was very demanding professionally or involved several changes in your personal or professional life? Well, I have in many ways. Last Wednesday, I made a list of ten major issues that occurred with my home over a four-month period that required attention,

Time Management AHAs

January 28th, 2021|

Two weeks ago, I delivered a 6.0 hour time management program for Old Dominion Freight Lines. During my research to customize the training for sales associates, I realized the importance of self-management, because we ALL have 24 hours in a day. What we choose to do with that time is ultimately up to our decisions,


December 1st, 2020|

Did you hear the story about Rocky, the tiny owl found in a Christmas tree? I haven’t watched the news in a few years, so I’m a little out of the loop and a high school friend told me about it over the weekend. She said, “you should use the story for one of your

Take CARE of You FIRST

October 28th, 2020|

A few months ago, I had to have a difficult conversation with a very good friend. I sensed that he was experiencing some depression and it was impacting his mindset, ability to focus, and ability to get things done. I found an article that had some symptoms of depression and emailed it to him and

Leadership: One Day at a Time

September 29th, 2020|

Several years ago, I attended the Quaker Church in High Point, NC and heard Scott Wagoner preach. I instantly liked his delivery style, transparent personality and leadership qualities. He enrolled in a Dale Carnegie course and we have kept in touch through the years. I was super excited to reconnect with him on LinkedIn and

Teachable Moments

July 29th, 2020|

Four weeks ago, I decided to begin a morning ritual of self-care from 7-8:30am, those that are connected with me on LinkedIn are aware of the catalyst for change moment, after all, leadership begins with leading thyself, doesn’t it? I also made the decision to delegate certain tasks to my youngest daughter, Emma Freda (17)

You Gotta Start Somewhere

July 1st, 2020|

In 2000, I had just returned from a Dale Carnegie convention and was on deck to present a 10 minute talk to the networking group at the Greensboro Merchants Association.   I had been a member of this group for over one year representing a healthcare consulting firm and was super comfortable speaking about the

Power of Mood

June 4th, 2020|

Our nation is in racial turmoil.  COVID19 has created fear, panic and stress.  In an effort to find the peace and positivity in this season of significant change, I recommend wearing a mood ring.  Yes, a mood ring.  Check out the brief video below of how it can help you check your emotional state to

Wisdom & Peace

April 27th, 2020|

Unbelievable! That’s the word I would use to describe this season of significant change. What word would you use? In talking with family, friends, colleagues and clients - people are experiencing a myriad of emotions. One of them may be best known as grief. I learned about the stages of grief in graduate school when

Mental Gymnastics

March 30th, 2020|

We’ve all watched the news, read the paper, and listened to the radio. The words we focus on become the focus of our thoughts. Corona Crisis vs. Corona Virus, Pandemic vs. Panic, Fear vs. Facts, Denial vs. Deliberate, Safety vs. Sanity. These are a few words that come to my mind, as I think of


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