Today is the Day of New Beginnings

December 27th, 2017|

Yes, it’s that time of year again when people enjoy the Christmas Celebrations, Bowl Games, New Year’s Eve and many will contemplate resolutions for 2018. Have you ever set a resolution and then by the third week in January you are ready to burn the paper just before melting the marshmallow for that yummy s’more?

Advice for my younger self

November 28th, 2017|

Have you ever wanted to give your younger self advice?  Brad Paisley, one of my favorite country music singers from West Virginia wrote a song, “Letter to Me” Some of the lyrics: “Pain is fast and real…you’ve got so much goin’ for you, goin’ right but I know at 17 it’s hard to see past

Bail or Move On

October 1st, 2017|

10-10-10. Do you have dates that are etched in your mind forever? October 10th, 2010 was the day of my first mini-triathlon. Originally, I registered with two of my best friends from middle school – we all were cheerleaders together and soccer players on a high school and travel team. Thirty days prior to the

It’s What You Scatter

August 28th, 2017|

My neighbor gave me some sunflower seedlings several weeks ago and offered to plant them for me. She must have known that I struggled in 1st grade with my potato that refused to sprout in the windowsill of Claxton Elementary. How beautiful they turned out and what a blessing she scattered friendship across the yard.

A “Little” Faith

July 29th, 2017|

Last weekend, several people from the Sedgefield and Greensboro community gathered for a dinner and silent auction to raise money for a special needs child. Her name is Lilly Austyn and she suffers from Rett Syndrome, a muscular disorder that impacts her mobility, communications, digestion, heart function and much more. She is an adorable child

It’s the Big Day!

June 26th, 2017|

It’s the BIG day! We are leaving at 8am for a four day, three night stay in Washington, DC to celebrate my son graduating from Greensboro College Middle College. It’s the first trip, other than going to the beach, that my three children and I will enjoy together – just the four of us. I

New Beginnings

April 18th, 2017|

When you hear the word SPRING, what comes to mind? Day light savings, flowers blooming, or tax season? Spring makes me think of new beginnings. Currently, I have two main businesses, COACH MKay Companies, LLC (Speaking & Training) and N2 Publishing (Monthly Newsletter for the residents of Sedgefield). Two weeks ago I decided to launch

A Terrific New Day!

February 27th, 2017|

Last month I received an email following my blog post, “New Year….” and it made me reflect on many things. First, I write from the heart on things that are happening in my professional world and my personal life. Secondly, I write things that I hope will connect to my subscribers in some way to

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Unknown

January 24th, 2017|

Did you set a goal for the New Year? In the early days of teaching for Dale Carnegie Training®, I learned that only 3% of the population set goals, but of those who identify their goals, more than 90% achieve them. Goal setting is difficult when there is a lack of accountability, encouragement or support

Finding the Humor

December 20th, 2016|

When something challenging happens, what’s the first reaction you have? There have been times when I would have laughed and found the humor, I would have asked, “What’s the worst that can possibly happen?” as Dale Carnegie recommends in his book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living; or, I would have tilted my head sideways


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