Time Management vs. Self Management

May 29th, 2014|

Do you know people that have become obsessed with time management? Today I watched my youngest daughter play a soccer game at the Wrangler/McDonalds soccer tournament. As we were leaving the neighborhood I realized I had left my cell phone at home. I’m thrilled I did because it forced me to be completely focused on

ACO’s Improving Patient Experience

April 24th, 2014|

Obamacare…..now that my premiums are nearly double what I paid two years ago, I’m more focused on what’s happening in healthcare. Are you familiar with ACO’s? The buzz about Accountable Care Organizations is an old idea taking formal root as an upshot of the rapidly changing health care industry. The relationship between hospitals and doctors

How to Measure and Record Your Performance?

March 19th, 2014|

Are there days when you want to stay in bed? Head to the mountains skiing? Renew your CV and start the job hunt? Fire that draining client? We’ve all been there at times, feeling more exhausted than exhilarated. It’s a classic sign of burnout. So what’s the secret to staying enthusiastic and passionate about work?


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