How to Measure and Record Your Performance?

March 19th, 2014|

Are there days when you want to stay in bed? Head to the mountains skiing? Renew your CV and start the job hunt? Fire that draining client? We’ve all been there at times, feeling more exhausted than exhilarated. It’s a classic sign of burnout. So what’s the secret to staying enthusiastic and passionate about work?

Coaching Employees to Improve Their Performance

February 20th, 2014|

If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest in your ability to coach your employees, what would your score be? There are four types of employees: (4) Low Engagement-Low Performance, (3) High Engagement-Low Performance, (2) Low Engagement-High Performance, (1) High Engagement-High Performance. Group four needs an attitude


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