This morning I found a box of cards by Louise May that is a deck of 64 affirmations that a girlfriend gave me a few years ago. The message read:

I am always safe

I am eternal

I will go on forever

from experience

to experience

Oftentimes when I’m teaching a new class or giving a keynote speech I ask the audience what was their first thought when they woke up this morning? Why?

Because those first thoughts can launch your day in a positive and purposeful way. Or, if they are negative, full of dread or frustration, they can have the same impact. Having a few statements you say to yourself that are encouraging, supportive and uplifting can significantly impact your mindset, mood and day.

Each morning I invest 10-15 minutes to read something inspirational, journal a gratitude, what’s on my mind and then write down a word for the day. Again, this helps me launch the day feeling grounded, focused, peaceful and strong. When I’ve missed a few days in my journal, it’s my AHA moment that I need to revisit this best practice to get back on course. Interestingly, when there are gaps in my journal then life/work pressure and stress seem to be more prevalent.

Journaling is not for everyone. Jeffrey Brantley, MD shares “The 100 simple practices found in Five Good Minutes® are designed to help even the busiest person start the day right. Using just five minutes of mindfulness, relaxation, or imagery techniques during their morning routines, readers can set their intentions and greet the day feeling calm, centered, and energized.”

My favorite practice is to deep breathe one minute, visualize a mountain for three minutes, think about all the qualities of a mountain and say, “I’m strong like a mountain, I have a firm foundation, I am sturdy.” Then deep breathe for one more minute.

Work load, pressure, stress, or worry may exist for a variety of reasons in someone’s life and even in our world. The key is to work on strategies to create a healthy mindset and perspective to deal with these challenging moments. YOU GOT THIS!

