It’s October, fall is upon us! Hoping this day finds you in great spirits and much peace. Today, I felt burdened that I have not written my monthly blog in months. This is an important aspect of my business life and I enjoy writing. The last six months have been a rollercoaster and I’m trying to enjoy the ride and focus on the positive.

The Brief version: Crushed my shoulder in July, ended a relationship that I thought would be forever the same month and have spent the last few months healing, teaching, speaking, unplugging, visiting friends and family and preparing for a total shoulder replacement at the end of November. LOTS of change.

What happens when there is significant change at work or in your home life? Writing this blog is one thing I let go of during my season of tremendous change. Sometimes, we need to decide what to take on as well to be and live our best life personally and professionally. There are four profiles of how people deal with change. I teach this module during some of my speaking events and virtually or during in-person training programs.

The first profile: ON FIRE. These are people that love change, seek it out, enjoy a variety, experience excitement and the more the better!

The second profile: MICROSCOPES. People in this area are not against or for change, they just need a little more time to evaluate the positives and negatives, provide data, statistics, examples or stories about change so they can understand and obtain more information.

The third profile: WALL. Folks in this profile are in complete denial that change is happening or needs to happen or did happen.

The fourth profile: RUNNER. You guessed it. These people are terrified of change. Anxiety sets in and fear takes over. Physical symptoms of stress consume their mind, body and spirit.

Curious, how do you deal with change? Will you be more patient knowing that people experience change differently? I usually am ON FIRE for change and found myself in the last several months being a MICROSCOPE and a RUNNER. There are seasons to go inward for nourishment, reflection and rest. Find time for self-care and show compassion for others on how they deal with change.