Has your team at work ever established core values?  A value is defined as “a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.” A team working together to identify a top 10 list of core values will create alignment, deepen understanding and improve collaboration. 

This is an exercise I have conducted for several teams this past year and what’s surprising is how the teams are building stronger relationships because everyone agrees to adopt and follow these core values daily.  There is a different level of personal responsibility and team accountability that exists as well.  I challenge teams to read the list of values at the beginning of each work day to keep them top of mind throughout the day and to read the list at the end of the work day and ask this question: “How did I demonstrate my commitment to these core values today at work?” 

These are two examples of Core Values created by teams in a manufacturing plant:


  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Open Communication
  • Relaxed Environment
  • Transparency
  • Synergy
  • Rewards


  • Positive Attitude
  • Listen Consistently
  • Respect
  • Patience
  • Appreciation
  • Work Ethic
  • Synergy
  • Don’t Blame Others
  • Helpfulness
  • Open Minded

Creating Core Values is not just about listing a bunch of words on a piece of paper.  It’s about creating meaningful, purposeful change in a team to improve communication, relationships and productivity. 

If you know of teams that want to take their performance to the next level, let’s have a conversation. 

Be a catalyst for change and make 2019 your best year ever!