Happy 2024! A new year, just like birthdays can be a new beginning. What do you want to see differently for you personally and professionally this year? My hope is that you have identified one, two or three things you would like to achieve in the next few months. When you are setting goals, create immediate goals (within 30 days), short term (3-6 months) or long term (12 months – 3 years).

When I work with executive coaching clients we focus on no more than three action items at a time. I learned this strategy years ago reading an article from Jimmy Buffet. (Not the beloved singer, but the well-known businessman). He was engaged in a conversation with his private pilot and asked him to share his goals. The pilot pulled out a list of ten objectives on a piece of paper. Buffet said, “That’s too many. Pick three.” This idea is to streamline efforts and if you are working on too many things at one time, your efforts can be diluted.

Even if you fell off course the first few weeks in January…just like the Italian race-car driver says when he looks in the rear view mirror, “What’s ahhh behind me is ahhh no matter.” (Say that with your best Italian accent.) Avoid looking back, avoid looking too far in the future, focus on today. Stay in the present. If you have no direction, you can end up anywhere so choose wisely. My hope is that you will look at today as a new beginning. Write down up to 3 goals personally and 3 goals professionally that you want to focus on for whatever time period you choose.

An example of my personal and professional goals that are on my vision board, on the mirror, on my monthly calendar frame and in my daily planner.

Personal goals:

1-Focus on health of mind, body & spirit

2-Enjoy fun recreation activities

3-Invest quality time with people I care about

Professional goals:

1-Give excellent service to existing clients

2-Deliver top quality educational content

3-Create 5-10 new connections per week

I have an accountability partner and we speak weekly for 30-60 minutes to help each other with what’s working, not working and missing in our business? Invest time to write down answers to these questions for your work and/or home life. Select 1-3 key areas to focus on for improvement and ask someone to debrief with you on a regular basis to help give you encouragement and guidance. You got this!

