August is always like a new beginning….maybe it’s because I’ve raised three children and when we rounded the corner of summer to start the new school year it was always a season where my business gets a reboot.  Now that my nest has been empty for four years and my baby girl is a senior at UNC-Wilmington, I’m so grateful to learn the value of stepping back to re-evaluate what’s working in my business/life, what’s not working and what’s missing.


This is a template of questions our Dale Carnegie team of the triad used in the monthly meetings to help serve as a guide for business assessment and strategy.  Last week, during a webinar I shared some wisdom of Perfection vs. Excellence, a document written by a consultant from Georgia I found many moons ago in my father’s periodontal office when I was working for him as his office manager.  I want to share it with you, because when I first discovered this gem it was a gut check for me. I tended to lean more towards perfection at the time in my career and realized I needed to make a shift. How will it resonate with you?



I tended to lean more towards perfection at that time (20 plus years ago) in my career and realized I needed to make a shift. Where do you need to identify what’s working, not working or missing in your career or personal life?  What action items or goals do you need to create and how will you map out a plan to get there?  What do you need to take on or let go of to be your best self and live your best life.  Be mindful of distractions, or toxic people or activities, they can derail your daily momentum.  Where do you need to lean more towards excellence and less away from perfection?


My hope is that you experience pure joy for the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend.  Surround yourself with positive people, put away your phones, get outside to recreate and soak up some sunshine.  You can be a catalyst for positive, purposeful change. YOU GOT THIS!


