This past Sunday, I visited my home church in Greensboro, NC and was thrilled the title of the sermon series for this day was, “Modern Families – Figuring Out Conflict.”

I teach conflict resolution as part of my leadership series and was inspired by the message and prayer of confession. Some of you know that I served as an adjunct chaplain for three years at Wesley Long Hospital in Greensboro and one of the aspects of this position was to embrace all religions. My hope is this information will give you encouragement and wisdom as you deal with conflict in your personal or professional life.

Christ Centered Conflict Resolution according to Pastor Morris Brown, Christ United Methodist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Unhealthy approaches:

Silent treatment, emotional alienation, resentment or withdrawl, passive aggressive behavior.

Healthy approaches:

Respond in the Jesus way: grace, kindness, love, respect, be direct, have an attitude of reconciliation, give emotions time to cool off, examine our role in the conflict, engage our very best communication skills, be quick to listen and slow to speak, don’t let any unwholesome talk occur, agree to disagree.

Conflict is natural. Conflict is changing. Conflict is growth. Conflict can be a new beginning. Blessings and make today count!
