What values drive your business? What values drive your personal life? Yesterday, I conducted a three hour leadership program for an organization in Wilmington, NC. The opening segment involved creating a list of core values the leadership team would adopt to serve as a compass for their team moving forward. Here is the top ten list their group created.

  • Attitude
  • Disciple, Drive & Determination
  • Responsibility
  • Safety
  • Problem Solving
  • Being Personable
  • Effective Communication
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Advance Planning (Involves decision making and collaboration)

I shared a story about how these core values can serve as guides on their daily walk as a leader and the importance of demonstrating these values consistently with the team. Even if something goes sideways, and it will, take time to reflect, readjust to regain your energy, mindset and productivity.

Give yourself permission for renewal and self-care, critical initiatives in today’s business climate. I was reminded of that fact last weekend when I found out two of my classmates from ‘84 Walter Hines Page High School in Greensboro, NC passed away. Our class is very close and the outpouring of prayers, shock and support displayed a level of caring and connection that we all hold very dear.

If you are in a season where you need to invest time to assess your personal or professional values, give yourself time to unplug, journal, walk, listen to music, read, enjoy a vacation or your favorite activity. It’s time to refresh and renew this summer.

Blessings and Happy 4th of July!
