Were you glued to your TV for two weeks watching the olympics? One American gymnast told herself moments before she mounted the beam, “You got this.” Husain Bolt pounds his heart, smiles and looks to the heavens while pointing, and an American cyclist well-paced in second place watched the leader crash, she is now in first place for several minutes then in the final stretch of the route is overcome by not one, not two, but 3 cyclists as she finished in fourth place….what I noticed just before these riders shot past her may have dramatically impacted her finish.

She looked back, her bike weaved and in that moment – what would have happened if she thought, “you got this!” I imagined if her thoughts were something like… “Oh no! They are right behind me! I can’t believe the other rider crashed? Will I crash? Will I make it?” When we take our eye off the ball, we lose focus. Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight and no vision.”

So what’s your vision for your future? Have you ever heard of a vision board? I have two in my office packed with quotes, photos, and affirmations of what I want to achieve as a professional. Periodically I change things around because my goals change or I achieve a certain level of success and want to create new goals.

The key is to look at your board daily, pray about what you want to achieve, stay in the right activity to generate the right results. Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never give up.”

This intercostal waterway picture is the view of my dream house on the water-it’s going on my vision board and this morning I made it my screen saver on my phone. To reach this goal, I have to say no to the okay stuff and yes to the great stuff-a principle I learned from the creator of Apple. So what will you say ‘no’ to next week and what will you say ‘yes’ to in an effort to help you reach your goals? Have you written them down? Are they posted where you can see them? Vision is power. Power is vision. You are the key to your success.