What does trust look like in your organization? Last month, I taught a new program at Cape Fear Community College on Creating a Culture of Trust. Big thanks to Jan Yokeley, Director of Customized Training at CFCC for this opportunity. It was very interesting to hear the perspectives of participants on what trust looks like in their organization and also when trust doesn’t exist. We explored ways to rebuild trust after it’s been broken and key elements of trust in a work culture.

✅ I ask you to consider, what does trust look like with your team, with your leaders, with the people that report to you?

✅ What factors contribute to an environment where trust does not exist?

✅ What do you do to rebuild trust after it’s been fractured? My hope is that you’ll be a catalyst for positive purposeful change to create strong trust in your company and make today count!

Trust Present: strong safety cultures, given authority to make our own role, individual, coworkers support each other, peer to peer & team to team trust, know people are going to do what’s best for clients, trust exists in departments – individual, personal and management trusts employees to do things accurately and trust team for safety.

Trust Absent: lack of leadership to communicate what’s going on, big plans change and not telling people, lack of communication, deception-lying-gossip, lack of transparency and honest communication, lack of growth and accountability for leaders, fear of retaliation, lack of acknowledgment – good and bad, unreliable and inconsistent actions, being disingenuous, no understanding of role-priorities-challenges, sense of being in control or power, lack of learning existing processes, lack of follow through when ideas are brought to the table.

Do you experience any of these dynamics? Do you want to elevate the level of trust that exists throughout your company?

Connect with me to explore scheduling a Creating a Culture of Trust workshop or webinar for your organization.