TimeThe New Year gives you and your team an opportunity to focus on strengths, evaluate what isn’t working and gives you the opportunity to make positive changes for 2010!  Arthur Guiterman said, “Admitting errors clears the score and proves you wiser than before.” Be willing to face failures & challenges and use them as fuel for change.

1- If the mission statement is on your wall make sure your team is living it daily, if not –
recommit to it for 2009.

2- At your next staff meeting, discuss what is important to each person professionally
and personally about the success of the practice.

3- Define the short term & long term goals and what are some action items to help you
get there?

4- Make sure the goals are SMART goals: Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and

5- Ask each staff member to write on an index card one thing they would change about
2008 to improve performance in 2009.

6- Create guiding coalitions of dedicated, positive people to help move change
throughout your organization.

7- Remember to give thanks for all the blessings you have in your life and be a blessing to
someone else.