Do you want to know the secrets to a long life?  While sitting in a room in the Court House waiting to be called for jury duty I found these nuggets of wisdom in an AARP magazine based on the Costa Rican elders who lived to be 100 years old.


1- Have a strong sense of purpose (contribute to the greater good of society)

2- Drink hard water (helps with calcium content for stronger bones, lowers rate of heart disease)

3- Eat a light dinner (consume fewer calories – try fortified maize and beans – combo for longevity)

4- Maintain social networks (neighborly visits are welcomed and know how to listen, laugh and be appreciative)

5- Keep hard at work (enjoy physical work and find joy in chores)

6- Get some sensible sun (15 minutes of sunshine helps with vitamin D & makes strong bones)

7- Embrace a common history (have spiritual traditions and live free from stress)