Next week I’m hosting a mastermind group of a dozen leaders to discuss their new year goals and explore concepts from the book: The 12 Week Year, Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others do in 12 Months by Brian Moran and MIchael Lennington.

Has your 2023 started off the way you want personally and professionally?

Are you on track with your short and long term goals for the year or have you gone sideways and need a restart?

Here are some tips to help you in this journey of leadership and life:

Know that “the barrier standing between you and the life you are capable of living is a lack of consistent execution. Effective execution will se you free. It is the path to accomplish the things you desire.” pg. 3
One of the “things that gets in the way of individuals and organizations achieving their best is the annual planning process which inherently limits performance.” pg. 9
The 12 Week Year “creates a new endgame date for you to assess your success. It’s human nature that we behave differently when a deadline approaches. We procrastinate less, we reduce or eliminate avoidance activity, and we focus more on the things that matter.” pg. 16
Be willing to take new action, stretch your comfort zone, have a compelling personal vision of the future and have a strong “emotional stake in the outcome.” pg. 19
Throw out the annual plan by working from a 12 week plan which has 3 benefits: “It reduces mistakes, It saves time, it provides focus.
In 12-week planning, you identify the top one to three things that will have the greatest impact, and pursue those with intensity.” pg. 27
“To be truly effective, your daily activity must align with your long-term vision, strategies, and tactics.” pg. 29

What are your goals for this year?

Do you want to enhance your leadership, improve your communication skills, deliver more presentations, close more sales, live with more work/life balance, go after a new job, start your own business, leave a toxic relationship, build an improved relationship, go on a dream vacation, spend more quality time with your family?

Ready for a 20 minute discovery call to explore if a one-on-one coaching relationship and customized professional development plan will take you or your team to the next level?

Contact to reserve time for a zoom chat today.

Be a catalyst for positive and purposeful change in your career and life today!

Blessings, Merikay